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  • New heat pump at KTH Live-In Lab

    Published Mar 12, 2018

    The new heat pump from Thermia has arrived at KTH Live-In Lab. Its high level of performance will enable complex inputs and potentially better thermal and hydraulic characterization of borehole heat e...

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  • Årets första nyhetsbrev är ute!

    Published Feb 26, 2018

    Detta nyhetsbrev berättar om vad som händer just nu i KTH Live-In Lab, så som ett utökat antal testbäddar, att potentiella boende snart kan ansöka och att nästa Live-event är den 18 maj.

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  • The Construction has Commenced!

    Published Nov 23, 2017
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  • Nytt forskningsprojekt godkänt av VINNOVA

    Published Nov 22, 2017

    VINNOVA beviljade den 19 november 2017 finansiering till KTH och Karolinska Institutet gällande en studie kring ”Allergenfria inomhusmiljöer genom innovativa ventilationsstrategier”.

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  • Kv. Forskningen vinner internationellt pris för innovation och hållbarhet

    Published Nov 22, 2017

    Einar Mattsson har vunnit priset "Best Property Innovation and Sustainability Award 2018"

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  • Ny Industridoktorandtjänst hos Akademiska Hus i samarbete med KTH Live-In Lab

    Published Sep 06, 2017

    Akademiska Hus äger och förvaltar Sveriges akademiska byggnader. Nu utlyser de en industridoktorandtjänst i samarbete med KTH Live-In Lab. Doktorandtjänsten kommer fokusera på området Big Data och ene...

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  • Innovativt borrhålsprojekt initieras nu i KTH Live-In Lab

    (bild av samarbetspartner - Triopipe Geotherm AB)
    Published Aug 24, 2017

    Projektet om förbättrad borrhålsteknologi har godkänts för finansiering av Energimyndigheten och kommer nu testa sin teknik i KTH Live-In Labs testbädd. Projektet backas med circa 3 miljoner från Ener...

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  • Philosophy students from Twente University discuss KTH Live-In lab

    Published Mar 17, 2017

    During the W.T.S. Ideefiks study trip to Stockholm, the group of philosophy students from the University of Twente visited the KTH multiple times, each visit having a different theme. The visit which ...

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  • Akademiska Hus invests in development and in promotes innovation

    Published Dec 12, 2016

    Akademiska Hus is one of the countries largest real-estate companies. Our mission is to, together with universities in Sweden, strengthen Sweden’s status as a knowledge nation. We do this through cons...

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  • Arkitektkopia joins the KTH Live-In Lab collaboration

    Published Dec 01, 2016

    Arkitektkopia joins the KTH Live-In Lab collaboration and provides licenses to their project toolkit Byggnet for the projecting of the testbed.

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  • KTH Live-In Lab is Live - Recorded presentations

    Published Oct 06, 2016

    On the 6th of October a group of the KTH Live-In Lab collaborators were invited to share their perspectives on the current development of the testbed. The afternoon showcased the initial design and co...

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  • KTH Live-In Lab meets high school students at "Forskarfredagen"

    Published Oct 06, 2016

    The last friday of September was named the Researchers' Night by the EU-commission. All around Europe, tens of thousands of activities where the general public meet researchers and get to see how rese...

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