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  • Nytt projekt beviljat om konsekvenserna av GDPR för etikprövning av forskning om smarta hus

    Foto: Malin Grönborg, Umeå universitet.
    Published Dec 13, 2018

    I en tidigare ansökan låg fokus på en generell beskrivning av den nya problematik som uppstår i samband med smarta hus, insamling av användardata och GDPRs införande. I detta fortsättningsprojekt komm...

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  • Jonas Anund Vogel is the Project Manager of the Year

    Jonas Anund Vogel, föreståndare för KTH Live-In Lab
    Published Nov 23, 2018

    Svenska ProjektAkademien (Swedish Project Academy) has recently appointed the Director of KTH Live-In Lab, Jonas Anund Vogel, to the Project Manager of the Year 2018!

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  • KTH Live-In Lab amongst the ten top candidates for Bopriset!

    På bilden ovan visas juryn för Bopriset som består av Christer Larsson, stadsbyggnadsdirektör i Malmö och tillförordnad riksarkitekt, Moa Andersson, verksamhetsledare, Boinstitutet, Li Pamp, programledare och journalist, Viktoria Walldin, antropolog, White arkitektbyrå, Erik Stenberg, lektor på KTH samt expert på miljonprogrammet och Peter Majanen, grundare av strategi- och analysföretaget Quattroporte.
    Published Nov 22, 2018

    We are proud to have been nominated as one of the top ten candidates for Bopriset - in memory of Josef Frank.

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  • Ongoing research project on environmentally friendly choices and behavior of residents

    Agnieszka Zalejska Jonsson
    Published Nov 14, 2018

    A research project is currently underway at KTH Live-In Lab, by Agnieszka Zajelska Jonsson, researcher at KTH in building and real estate economics. The project entitled Customer and housing environme...

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  • New project about the recovery of waste water and gray water granted by FORMAS

    Published Nov 06, 2018

    A new research project has been granted by FORMAS regarding systemic effects of real estate recycling of heat and water.

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  • KTH Live-In Lab is nominated to Bopriset 2018

    Josef Frank
    Published Nov 05, 2018

    It is with great honor and gratitude that we received the message that KTH Live-In Lab has been nominated for Bopriset reward - in memory of Josef Frank.

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  • New Public Relations Officer at KTH Live-In Lab

    Published Oct 28, 2018

    Hi! It is time that I introduce myself as the new Public Relations Officer for KTH Live-In Lab.

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  • The students welcomed H.M. Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden to their homes

    Published Oct 26, 2018

    Here is the video from when KTH Live-In Lab received an extraordinary visit to the King of Sweden on Wednesday, October 10th. It turned out that he was very curious and inquiring when the students sho...

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  • Royal visit at KTH Live-In Lab

    Jonas Anund Vogel, föreståndare KTH Live-In Lab, Stefan Ränk, koncernchef Einar Mattsson och H.M. Konung Carl XVI Gustaf.
    Published Oct 11, 2018

    The students who reside in Live-In Lab have since they moved in gotten to receive a couple of curious visitors, and this Wednesday 10/10 they got the opportunity to welcome His Majesty of Sweden for a...

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  • Affärstidningarna lyfter fram KTH Live-In Lab

    Published Oct 10, 2018

    Läs om KTH Live-In Lab i affärstidningen Byggvärlden och magasinet Bygga Stockholm som publicerats i samband med invigningen.

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  • KTH Live-In Lab i Vetenskapsradion

    Published Oct 03, 2018

    P1 Vetenskapsradion besökte invigningen av KTH Live-In Labs innovationslägenheter. Lyssna på Föreståndare Jonas Anund Vogel och boende Axel Solhall

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  • Living in Live-In Lab - Axel Solhall

    Published Oct 03, 2018

    I am a 23-year-old Swedish student and I have lived my entire life in or close to Stockholm.

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  • Living in Live-In Lab - Nicole Heinemann

    Published Sep 24, 2018

    Hej! My name is Nicole Heinemann and I am a 25 year old student at KTH. I am very excited to have the opportunity this year, to live in the KTH Live-in Lab together with three other students interest...

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  • MITs Director of Sustainability visits KTH Live-In Lab

    Published Sep 20, 2018

    MITs Director of Sustainability, Julie Newman, stays in one of the Innovation units in KTH Live-In Lab during the International Sustainable Campus Network Conference, hosted by KTH.

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  • Labtrino - initial trials of the smart water meter system at Live-In Lab

    Published Aug 29, 2018
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  • Företaget Vinden utvecklar förvaringsstrategier

    Published Aug 29, 2018

    Vinden är ett förvaringsbolag som strävar efter att effektivisera och förenkla hur vi förvarar våra saker. En knapptryckning bort så lagras alla prylar man vill bli av med på ett smidigt, enkelt och b...

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  • Opening dinner for ISCN at KTH Live-in Lab

    Published Jun 13, 2018

    International Sustainable Campus Network opening dinner at KTH Live-In Lab. The International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) is a non-profit association of globally leading colleges and universitie...

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  • Life at the Live-In Lab: My expectations as one of the first-ever residents

    Published May 31, 2018

    Hej everyone! My name is Natalia and I will be one of the four people living at KTH’s Live-In Lab. Having lived in over 12 accommodations, in three continents throughout my life, I have gotten some ex...

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  • Seminar About Testbed Innovation 18 May

    Published May 31, 2018

    A super interesting seminar about the development within KTH Live-In Lab was the best way to start the weekend.

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  • Newsletter April 2018

    Published Apr 16, 2018

    Learn about the latest developments @ KTH Live-In Lab!

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