The mystery of the right amount of milk in coffee is finally solved!

How can one bet communicate how much milk one wants in their coffee? Science has an answer.
In 2011, the then PhD students Jonas Anund Vogel and David Bohn Stoltz went on a trip for work to Riksgränsen to define the scope of their PhD-project. The trip was led by their supervisor professor Per Lundqvist, who also chose the location. During this trip, coffee was ordered, and the server asked how much milk was wanted. Somebody wanted a little bit, another a lot, while the third wanted somewhere in between. Nobody got the correct amount of milk. There and then work began on how to ease the process to receive the right amount of milk. A scale was worked out which then was completed with a survey. Finally, the resultat is compiled and scientifically presented! The study is attached here: Fur-color method for solving the milk in coffee issue (pdf 3.4 MB) . Happy reading!